Every year in December the whole world gears up for Christmas, everywhere you go there are Christmas decorations and just generally good vibes all around you. People are happier, the décor and music lift everyone’s spirits and everyone seems to be making a conscious effort to get together.
This led me to thinking, what does December mean to you?
I am sure the answers are different in each of us, for some it’s about the giving and receiving of gifts, for others about big food and lots of tv with the family and for others about getting some down time from work and being able to relax for a week or two.
Even though I come from a very diverse background both religiously and culturally, Christmas has always been an important time of year for us. It has been a time to try and be together and show each other the love that we have for each other. I come from a big family (I am one of seven), so you can imagine that it can be quite hectic when we all get together with partners and children included! And yet, every year, around the time of Christmas we all make that effort. It has become one of our traditions thanks to my mum who has taught us that this is an important time to come together as a family.
This year a friend of mine had an idea that I liked a lot, she suggested that each day in December we should do a little something for ourselves, no matter how big or small, to show ourselves the love and appreciation that we deserve as well. I’ve been trying to spread this vibe throughout my tribe as a thing to do this year.
What have you done for you lately?
So, in light of the fact that we are in giving mode lets celebrate the rest of this month and try and show ourselves a little love as well? Too often I think we forget about ourselves and burn out. It is essential to find the balance between giving to others and to ourselves, if we burn out then no one benefits.
So, go ahead, take that bath, get your nails done, eat that chocolate… Whatever it is, be sure to do something for you today!
I’d also love your feedback on what December means to you and what traditions you and your family have for the holiday period.
I’ll be starting up my reiki and life coaching services in January so please don’t miss out and book your slot now.
If you like what you read, please share this article for me, I would greatly appreciate it
Happy December!