Bring back the light
that was always in you
Reiki sessions are focused on healing and coming back to a more aligned, balanced and peaceful you. The universal energy of reiki is a pure and loving energy that flows through us allowing us to align with our higher selves. We can hear our soul’s whispers and begin to heal on every level.
Reiki aids us in transformation, connectedness, feeling empowered and finding inner peace. It works to dissolve blocks, which encourages a meeting with your true inner self. With the healing that is happening, reiki can trigger the release of stored emotional blockages which can in turn can lead you to be more open to the ebbs and flows of life and take more inspired action.
A reiki treatment creates an atmosphere of deep relaxation and increases the vibrational frequency of the body. It works to harmonise your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional energies to create balance and peace. Some of the benefits are deep relaxation, better sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, mental clarity, emotional healing, spiritual growth and intuitive development.
Book a session
with me:
One to One Reiki
£60 – 60 minute face to face session
Distance Reiki
£50 – 60 minute online session
Chat to me about student
or low income concessions.